Drafting a Sales Page that will Sell!

Drafting A Sales Page That Will Sell

So, you are ready to create a super compelling sales page that will do just that… SELL! And sell it will but first, you need to know how.

Odds are, if you’ve found your way to this article, you are looking for a little more information on how to get your page just right. That is exactly what I am going to show you how to do!

If you aren’t quite sure what product to sell on your new sales page, I have something that will help!

Take a look at my article, “How to Choose Your First Product to Sell”. Once you have your product picked out, come back here to develop an awesome sales page!

If you have your product and you are ready to get started drafting your sales page, let’s go!

Disclaimer: Hello lovely readers! Thank you so much for visiting my article. Just a heads up, some of the links below are affiliate links to item I recommend. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. However, this is at no additional cost to you. Thanks again & happy reading <3

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Food for Thought Before Planning Your Sales Page

Think of translating the main aspects of your product into an easy to follow and quick to read, thriving page. And there you have it; That is exactly what a sales page is!

But we all know it’s not that easy! To create a booming sales page, you need to know the key component that make that page a strong seller.

Below, I will show you how to easily write the key components of your sales page which are: a compelling headline, statements about features & benefits, call to action, and the buy button.

So, let’s begin!

Component #1: How to Create a Compelling Headline

Writing a headline can feel like the hardest part! You may write a good one and then find you’re second guessing yourself.

Don’t despair, you just need to make it easy on yourself and don’t overthink it! Remember that your headline has one goal: To grab your audience’s attention and draw them in to read through your sales page.

Make it as interesting as possible to get the reaction you are looking for. Try asking a thought-provoking question or make a controversial statement.

Use other seller’s sales pages within your niche as examples to see what is working for them. Keep it simple and go with what you know is already working! 

If you love flowers like I do, then you will absolutely adore this beautiful Birth Flowers Planner & Journal PLR Printable Template!

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Component #2: Develop a Quick Yet Catchy Intro Paragraph for your Sales Page

While your headline brings your audience to your sales page, your intro paragraph convinces them to keep on reading. So, keep it short but to the point while drawing customers into reading about your product’s features and benefits.

Once again, don’t overthink it! Use your intro paragraph to connect your readers to what your product is going to help them achieve.

Try telling a little store or something that will keep your audience engaged with what else you have to say. View your intro paragraph as the bridge between your headline and what features & benefits of your product.

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Component #3: Highlighting Your Product’s Main Benefits & Features

This is where the review you did of your product comes into play. Haven’t reviewed your product yet? Don’t worry!

Read step #3 in my article, “5 Super Easy Steps to Sell Your First PLR Product”. This will show you exactly how to make a list of the features & benefits your product has to offer.

Now show customers how your product is just what they’ve been looking for. Focus on three to five main benefits and features you what to showcase to your readers.

Many sellers tend to use bullet lists to display their benefits and/or features. This is a great way to covey what your product can do without asking your customers to read too much.

Remember, you want to show your audience what’s in it for them seamlessly.

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Component #4: Call Your Buyers to Take Action

That’s right, now it is time to develop a call to action for your product that will get sales! You need to ask your buyers to take the next step and purchase your worthwhile product.

Though this sounds difficult to do, it’s not! Keep it simple and direct.

Try something like, “What are you waiting for? Click the button below to grab your copy!”

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Lastly just add in a buy button and beautify your page with some pretty fonts & maybe even a background. Remember the main goal of your sales page is to get your customers to click through and buy your product.

Don’t know how to create a buy button? Read my article, “Download Page & Buy Button for Your First Product” to learn how to get yours perfect today!

And That’s It!

Now that you have completed your sales page, or at least planned it out, you are even closer to getting your product up for sale!

Don’t forget to get your FREE copy of this gorgeous Peach Floral Journal PLR Printable Template today!

This beautiful PLR offers 16 unique pages with floral theme and lovely layout that can be used as a journal, notebook, or stationery.

Easy to use & Easy to sell! Also, did I mention completely FREE!

~You can also take a look at this lovely PLR in the Pretty PLR Printable Shop~

If you would like a step-by-step guide and to know what your next step is, I got you covered! See my article, “5 Super Easy Steps to Sell Your First PLR Product” for more.

Do you still have questions? Please do reach out if you have further questions about this topic or if you have suggestions for future content. Just visit my Contact page and tell me all about it!

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